Homepage for Buyers and Sellers

Nobul is a marketplace for connecting home buyers and sellers to real estate agents in their area. My job is to improve both the agent and consumer experiences and increase connection rates.

Homehub is the logged in homepage for Nobul users.

Problem: Buyers and sellers do not understand the benefits of working with a real estate agent and often don’t think they are ready to engage an agent.

Old version of homehub

User research: Our user research found that many buyer and sellers needed to do research before considering an agent and don’t feel ready to talk to an agent. Buyer are often not sure how much they can afford and are looking for guidance about their market. Sellers are curious how much their home is worth and want to know how much homes are selling for in their neighborhood.

Solution: Insert agents into the conversation. During onboarding users select their stage in the home buying/selling process, the idea was to use this information to better identify how agents could help the user. Present buyers with data and listings to better help them understand how much they can afford. Use Nobul’s existing data about neighborhoods to help buyers better understand the market. Help sellers by providing a home estimate and giving them information about properties sold in their area.

User testing: Our first iterations of the page included tabs based on the user’s stage in the home buying/selling journey. Though testing, we discovered that users were more fluid in their stage and content for each stage overlapped. Users were also used to sites like Zillow and Redfin that focus on listings rather than agents, so some users were confused when agents were displayed on the page.

Final design:

Results: So far the page is still new, but we have seen increased engagement with agents on the page which is great news!